Một nhà máy nước thải carbon thấp hơn

Một nhà máy nước thải carbon thấp hơn


Generally speaking, the sewage treatment plant covers a large area with relatively few surrounding buildings and few high-rise buildings, and the pool body and roof area of the sewage treatment plant are large and the building quality is good, which is very conducive to the installation and efficient use of photovoltaic modules. Different classifications of integrated biochemical ponds can be used to reduce the wind speed above the pool, improve the local small environment, reduce the evaporation of pool water, improve the temperature of pool water and increase the revenue of sewage treatment by adding a roof at the end of the sewage treatment process - the top of the clarifier. 

Secondly, the land of the sewage treatment plant is generally administratively allocated, the land use life is in principle infinitely long, compared to other urban building roof development distributed photovoltaic power generation, good investment stability.

Finally, the sewage treatment plant electrical energy consumption is large, 24-hour non-stop operation. Photovoltaic power generation in the daytime peak load period using the self-generation and self-use approach, all the power generated by the photovoltaic power station directly by the sewage treatment plant electricity consumption load, on the one hand, to reduce the impact on the power quality of the grid, reduce grid-connected power generation to the grid when feeding electricity to the business disputes with the power operating company, on the other hand, you can take full advantage of On the other hand, it can make full use of the national policy subsidies for new energy distributed power generation and reduce the cost of electricity.

Therefore, the use of PV distributed power generation not only has a high power generation efficiency, but also can achieve the environmental benefits of zero emissions and improve the image of enterprises in taking social responsibility, which is a proper win-win!

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